wp5 movie review

Today i’ll be talking about a movie i saw over break ,US. US is a horror film by Jordan Peele, a successful actor and director. This movie is about a family that takes a trip down to Santa Cruz  for a vacation. They are confronted in the middle of the night by a family standing in their driveway. The family attacks them and we find that they are actually complete clones of the family. The rest of the movie is spent with the family killing off the doubles until they find that everyone in America has a double and most of the original people have been massacred. It ends with a hug line across america made by the doubles holding hands. Oh and did i forget the massive twist at the end. The mother turns out to have been a double her whole life and has been fitting into society. This movie had few jumpscares but had a daunting feeling the whole movie and was very creepy. I give this movie an 8/10. Image result for us

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